Pay gap reporting - U.K.

This year, our annual report includes expanded ethnicity pay gap data in line with voluntary government guidance.

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Our overall combined gender pay gap for all U.K. partners and employees has fallen again this year. But breaking down our data into smaller groups by pay quartile and role type – where we have a population size big enough to do so – shows us more specifically where any gaps are occurring.

Pay Gap reports provide a snapshot of historical data at a point in time, so it is important to view this in the context of our wider objectives. We include key points from our action plans for each of the areas we report on as well as information on the progress we continue to make against our objectives.

Our 2023 U.K. Pay Gap Report show us that overall, our pay gap trends are continuing to move in the right direction. Highlights from our report include:

  • The overall combined gender pay gap for all UK partners and employees has fallen for the fourth consecutive year.
  • The hourly gender pay gap for London employees has fallen by 2% this year.
  • Within each hourly pay gap quartile, the employee gender pay gap remains small across both London and Belfast. 
  • The overall combined partner and employee ethnicity pay gap has fallen this year and our mean ethnicity pay and bonus gaps for London employees are reassuring. However, the gap in the upper hourly pay gap quartile reminds us that we need to continue to focus on retention and progression of ethnic minority talent. Similarly, the more detailed analysis of pay gaps by ethnic group reinforces the need to stay focussed on the retention and progression of Black colleagues.
  • This year we see LGBTQ+ employee pay and bonus gaps decrease and see fluctuations in our disability pay gaps which are explained by small changes in the already small populations creating bigger swings in the data. However, we feel it’s important to keep reporting this information and interrogating the underlying data to ensure that there are no persistent issues that we need to address.
  • In our second year of reporting our social mobility pay gaps we have seen some small increases, but we don’t yet have enough data to draw conclusions based on long term trends.
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This content was originally published by Allen & Overy before the A&O Shearman merger