Infrastructure and transport

A&O Shearman has a track record of advising on some of the most innovative and strategic infrastructure and transport projects and transactions in the world.

Birds eye view of person walking across patterned tiled floor

Our expertise spans toll roads, ports, airports, railways, bridges, tunnels, canals and concession-based build-to-operate projects, as well as purely private, public private partnership (PPP); and private finance initiative (PFI) schemes. 

Our lawyers have extensive knowledge of renewable infrastructure including offshore wind and solar PV, as well as leading edge areas including battery storage, EV charging, hydrogen production, and data centers.  

Advice across the infrastructure lifecycle 

We help our clients navigate the regulatory, commercial, tax and political risks involved in developing, financing, acquiring, restructuring and selling infrastructure and transport assets to private parties.  

Our multidisciplinary team combines the skills and experience of lawyers from our project development and finance, corporate and M&A, capital markets, environmental, public law, antitrust, and dispute resolution practices.  

We work seamlessly across our offices in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific, providing clients with a global perspective and local insight on the legal regimes and market conditions affecting their infrastructure and transport transactions.  

Infrastructure and transport projects present diverse challenges and opportunities for investors, developers, operators, lenders and governments.  

Whether looking for operational improvements, development platforms, expansion opportunities, exit strategies, or sustainable solutions, we help our clients evaluate, execute and optimize their investments. 

Our industry expertise

Our lawyers act as trusted advisors to the leading industry players across the world. Explore their capabilities below.