image of Holger Jacobs

Dr Holger Jacobs

Senior Associate

Holger advises clients in all areas of dispute resolution both in and out of court.

A major focus of Holger’s work is cross-border civil litigation.

Holger has a wealth of experience advising clients in complex civil cases, inter alia in the context of real estate transactions, tax-driven deals and post-M&A disputes. He also regularly advises clients on arbitration-related court proceedings and on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards and judgments.

Holger is an expert in private international law. He is a frequent author of publications in this field of law and has held a teaching position in private international law at the University of Bonn.



Representative matters

  • An international financial group in civil litigations arising from cum/ex-trades.
  • A client against a liability claim brought by an insolvency administrator for alleged breach of professional duty in the amount of EUR 1.5 billion.
  • A bank against damage claims brought by the purchaser of an estate that had been mortgaged to the bank.
  • A German investor in court proceedings brought by an EU member state concerning the admissibility of an ICSID arbitration.
  • An investor against an anti-enforcement injunction brought by an EU member state concerning the enforcement of an ICSID award.
  • An Austrian company in a DIS arbitration concerning a post-M&A dispute under German law.

Published Work

  • Masser A. / Schneider T. / Jacobs H. (2024): Section 1032 (2) ZPO and its Relevance in the International Legal Landscape, also case note to KG Berlin, decision of 1 June 2023 – 12 SchH 5/22, SchiedsVZ 2024, p. 211-213
  • Jacobs H. (2024): Case note on CJEU judgment in case C-566/22 (Inkreal), ZIP 2024, p. 1127-1128
  • Jacobs H. (2024): Case note on CJEU judgment in case C-90/22 (Gjensidige), ZIP 2024, p. 1377-1378
  • Jacobs H. / Lutzi T. (2024): “HAVÜ, ja bitte!”, ZEuP 2024, p. 15-20
  • Jacobs H. (2022): “Art. 4 Abs. 2 und Abs. 3 Rom II-VO im Fall einer Schädigermehrheit (Anmerkung zu High Court of Justice, 21.12.2020 - Owen v Galgey and others)”, IPRax 2022, p. 85-89
  • Schubert L. / Schmitt D. / Jacobs H. (2021): „Art. 246e EGBGB – Zivilrechtlicher Verbraucherschutz durch das Ordnungswidrigkeitenrecht“, BKR 2021, p. 689-696
  • Windthorst J. E. / Freeman J. / Latasz K. / Jacobs H. (2021): “The Impact of Brexit on Dispute Resolution: EU and UK Perspectives”, Dispute Resolution International Vol. 15 No. 2 October 2021, p. 249-276
  • Jacobs H. (2021): „Das Haager Anerkennungs- und Vollstreckungsübereinkommen vom 2. Juli 2019“, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck
  • Jacobs H. (2020): Commentary on Articles 41-44 of the European Insolvency Regulation, Ahrens/Gehrlein/Ringstmeier (eds.), Insolvenzrecht, Kommentar, 4th edition 2020
  • Jacobs H. / Gillen, N. (2020): Case comment on BVerfG, decision dated 6 May 2020 – 2 BvR 331/18, Zur Einstufung des Zwangsumtauschs von (hier: griechischen) Staatsanleihen durch den Gesetzgeber des emittierenden Staates als hoheitlicher Akt, EWiR 2020, p. 749-750
  • Jacobs H. (2017): „Der Zwischenstand zum geplanten Haager Anerkennungs- und Vollstreckungs-übereinkommen – Der vorläufige Konventionsentwurf 2016“, ZfRV 2017, p. 24-30
  • Jacobs H. (2017): “Why international commercial contracts should include express choice-of-law clauses for non-contractual obligations”, Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional 2017, Vol. 9 No 1, p. 153-160
  • Netzer, F. / Jacobs H. (2016): „Die Anerkennung und Vollstreckung von Entscheidungen nach der neuen Brüssel Ia-VO“, in: Seibel u.a., Zwangsvollstreckungsrecht aktuell, 3rd edition 2016, p. 245- 269
  • Jacobs H. (2015): „Die Notwendigkeit der Wahl des auf außervertragliche Ansprüche anwendbaren Rechts in internationalen Wirtschaftsverträgen“, IPRax 2015, p. 293-297



Rechtsanwalt, Germany, 2021


Doctor iur., Law, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany, 2021

Magister Juris, Law, University of Oxford, UK, 2018

Magister rerum publicarum, Administrative Sciences, Speyer, Germany, 2017

Second State Exam, Law, Germany, 2016

First State Exam, Law, Germany, 2014 

A&O Shearman was formed on May 1, 2024 by the combination of Shearman & Sterling LLP and Allen & Overy LLP and their respective affiliates (the legacy firms). Any matters referred to above may include matters undertaken by one or more of the legacy firms rather than A&O Shearman.