Jan Erik Windthorst
image of Jan-Erik Windthorst

Jan Erik Windthorst


Erik represents clients before courts, arbitral tribunals and government authorities.

He handles financial litigations, corporate disputes, including M&A litigations and arbitrations, accusations of fraud and disputes relating to complex agreements. Erik also advises regularly on compliance investigations. His matters often have a cross-border element.

Erik has been a litigator handling high-stake disputes for over eighteen years. He has extensive experience also with internal and external investigations and led numerous enquiries in the financial sector and general industries. He knows the client perspective from a secondment to the Litigation and Regulatory Enforcement team of a leading international bank.

Erik advises clients from a broad range of sectors, among them notably financial institutions and companies from the life science, technology, energy, insurance and private equity sector.



Published Work

  • Windthorst, J.E. (2020) “First German decision holding credit rating agency liable to investors”, Risk Note (with N. Gillen / C. Happ)
  • Windthorst J.E. (2017) "Advising municipalities on loans with a structured interest rate", Kammergericht judgment XI 26 U 32/15, Entscheidungen zum Wirtschaftsrecht (EWiR), 259 seq. (in German)
  • Windthorst J.E. (2016) "Advisory liability of a bank in connection with a currency-related swap", OLG München judgment 23 U 3491/14, Entscheidungssammlung zum Wirtschafts- und Bankenrecht (WuB), 531 seq. (with David Schmid, in German)
  • Windthorst J.E. / Bussian W. (2015) "European Banking Supervision and Legal Privilege", WM - Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Bankrecht, 2265 seq. (in German)
  • Windthorst J.E. (2015) "Liability for advice: Interest rate collar and loans with statutory termination rights", note (in German) on OLG Dresden judgment of 9 April 2015, 8 U 532/14, Entscheidungssammlung zum Wirtschafts- und Bankenrecht (WuB), 498 seq.
  • Windthorst J.E. (2015) "Bank required to advise about mismatch between termination rights under a loan and associated hedge", EFLR
  • Windthorst J.E. (2015) "When does a claim for misselling of securities accrue?“, on the German Federal Court of Justice’s judgment XI ZR 278/14, Entscheidungen zum Wirtschaftsrecht (EWiR), 446 seq. (with U. Stimmel, in German)
  • Windthorst J.E. (2015) “Bank must disclose initial negative market value of swaps in two party scenarios”, EFLR
  • Windthorst J.E. (2015) “Disclosure obligations: swaps and municipalities”, Risk Note
  • Windthorst J.E. (2015) “German Federal Court of Justice limits banks’ disclosure obligations for swap transactions”, EFLR
  • Windthorst J.E. (2015) “German Federal Court of Justice decides on limitation period for consumers reclaiming administrative fees in loan agreements”, Risk Note
  • Windthorst J.E. (2015) “Federal Court of Justice limits advisory duties in connection with Swaps”, Frankfurt: Börsenzeitung, 24. Januar 2015, p. 9
  • Windthorst J.E. (2005) "Liability for negligent testimony? Witness liability for pure economic loss after introduction of section 839a Civil Code" (in German), Karlsruhe: Zeitschrift für Versicherungsrecht (VersR), 1634 seq.
  • Windthorst J.E. (2005) "Contract in favour of a third party and arbitration in English commercial law" (in German), Frankfurt: Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft (RIW), 900 seq.
  • Windthorst J.E., et al (2004) "Comments on the European Commission’s Green Paper on the Conversion of the Rome Convention of 1980", Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (RabelsZ), 1 seq.
  • Windthorst J.E. (2004) "Determinations on the admissibility of arbitrations and their effect on limitation periods" (in German), Zeitschrift für Schiedsverfahren (SchiedsVZ), 230 seq. 


frequently recommended / strong in negotiations
JUVE 2023/24
hard-working, experienced and likeable
JUVE 2022/23



Rechtsanwalt, Germany, 2002


Second State Exam, Law, Germany, 2002

LL.M, University of California, Berkeley, 2000

First State Exam, Law, Germany, 1999

A&O Shearman was formed on May 1, 2024 by the combination of Shearman & Sterling LLP and Allen & Overy LLP and their respective affiliates (the legacy firms). Any matters referred to above may include matters undertaken by one or more of the legacy firms rather than A&O Shearman.