Jasper Strijder
Jasper Strijder

Jasper Strijder


Jasper specialises in corporate criminal defence, litigation, regulatory enforcement, and investigations.

Jasper has extensive experience in advising corporates, financial institutions, and audit firms on a broad range of regulatory and compliance topics, including anti-money laundering legislation and corruption. He regularly advises board members and other senior managers on their position in criminal and regulatory investigations in the Netherlands.

International sanctions are a particular focus area in Jasper’s advisory and litigation practice. He often works together with the sanctions experts in our other offices, including London, New York and Washington, D.C.

Jasper regularly publishes and teaches on topics relevant in his practice. He joined the firm in March 2019 after having completed LLM programmes in both corporate law and corporate criminal law at the University of Amsterdam in 2018.



Pro bono

  • Advising a human rights charity on Dutch criminal legislation relating to post-conviction related matters.
  • Advising an international non-profit organization on matters related to international sanctions.
  • Member of the Amsterdam LGBTQ+ Network.

Published Work

  • P.N. Ploeger & J.J. Strijder, ‘Geopolitiek, oorlogsdreiging, internationale handel en economische sancties’, in: Preadviezen van de Koninklijke Vereeniging ‘Handelsrecht’ 2024.
  • I.M. van den Oord & J.J. Strijder, ‘De asset freeze: vaker ingezet, ruimer uitgelegd?’, TBS&H 2023/4, August 2023.
  • J.J. Strijder, ‘Modernisering van de Sanctiewet 1977: de (nieuwe) rol van het bestuursrecht’, TBS&H 2023/4, August 2023.
  • J.J. Strijder & I.M. van den Oord, ‘Ruslandsancties: over uitleg, vage normen en vragen bij de handhaafbaarheid ervan in de Nederlandse rechtstaat’, TBS&H 2022/6, December 2022.
  • J.J. Strijder & S.J. Lopik, ‘Op weg naar een nieuw regime voor uitbesteding van KYC-verplichtingen op grond van de Wwft’, TBS&H 2022/1, February 2022.
  • J.J. Strijder & S.J. Lopik, ‘Toelichting gewenst: de nieuwe Aanwijzing opsporing en vervolging buitenlandse corruptie’, TBS&H 2021/2, April 2021.  



Admitted as advocaat, Netherlands, 2019

Listed in the register of legal practice areas of the Dutch Bar Association for Strafrecht (Criminal law)


LLB (Hons), Utrecht University, 2016

LLM Corporate Law, University of Amsterdam, 2018

LLM Criminal Law, University of Amsterdam, 2018

A&O Shearman was formed on May 1, 2024 by the combination of Shearman & Sterling LLP and Allen & Overy LLP and their respective affiliates (the legacy firms). Any matters referred to above may include matters undertaken by one or more of the legacy firms rather than A&O Shearman.