Nadja Harraschain
image of Nadja Harraschain

Dr Nadja Harraschain


Nadja advises domestic and international companies on resolving complex cross-border disputes in the field of commercial arbitration and litigation.

Next to representing clients in international commercial arbitration and domestic litigation proceedings in all stages including settlement negotiations, she regularly provides strategic advice before formal proceedings have been initiated, in interim relief proceedings and in discovery proceedings.

Nadja has experience in representing and advising clients from a wide array of sectors including manufacturing, financial services, and the telecommunications industry, with a special focus on clients in the energy sector. She has particular expertise in the field of private international and international procedural law, including investment arbitration law.

Prior to joining the firm, Nadja worked with several major international law firms in Frankfurt am Main and New York in the fields of arbitration and litigation while completing her PhD in the field of investment arbitration. For her PhD, she was a visiting scholar at Columbia University, New York. In parallel to completing her PhD, Nadja also lectured at the Verwaltungs- und Wirtschaftsakademie (VWA) Freiburg in the field of economic and internet law.




Representative matters

  • A German energy trader in an international ICC arbitration seated in Geneva relating to short-term gas supply contracts governed by German law. 
  • A Czech energy trader in a cross-border arbitration seated in Vienna against its supplier under the ICC Arbitration Rules (Austrian law). 
  • A Czech energy company in a cross-border ICC arbitration seated in Geneva under German law against its supplier.
  • A Slovak energy company in a cross-border ICC arbitration under German law against its supplier (Geneva seat).
  • An Austrian company in a DIS arbitration seated in Frankfurt concerning a post-M&A dispute under German law.
  • A German manufacturer in a domestic litigation against a former manager from the company group. 
  • A German energy company on contractual claims against its Chinese supplier and related claims against third parties.

Pro bono

  • Supporting a French non-profit organization that supports asylum seekers.
  • Founding and running a leading career platform for women jurists in Germany and Switzerland, breaking through.
  • Supporting a talented young migrant in the first year of her law studies through SABA Mentoring Program.

Published Work

  • Harraschain, N., Dlugosch, T. and Gorchakov, I. (2024), “Russian Supreme Court denies enforcement of award based on the allegedly unfriendly nationalities of arbitrators”
  • Harraschain, N. (2021) “Does the CISG Apply to Arbitration Agreements?”, ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin 2021, No. 1, pp. 36-38 (Co-Author with Anna Masser)
  • Harraschain, N. (2021) “CISG und Schiedsvereinbarung, verträgt sich das?”, Commentary of Federal Supreme Court Decision I ZR 245/19 dated 26 November 2020, in SchiedsVZ 2021, 97 (Co-Author with Anna Masser)
  • Harraschain, N. (2021) „Netzwerken für Juristinnen“, JuS Anzeigenschwerpunkt Karriere-Special Women in Law, February 2021 
  • Harraschain, N. (2019) „Reichweite einer Schiedsklausel bei nachträglicher Ergänzung des ursprünglichen Unternehmenskaufvertrags“, jurisPR-HGesR 9/2019 Anm. 3 (Co-Author with Marina Arntzen)

Speaking Engagements

  • Moderator, Zukunfts-Visionen der Gleichberechtigung, anniversary, breaking.through, October 2023
  • Guest Speaker, IMR202: 5 Jahre breaking.through, Diversity im Rechtsmarkt, Vereinbarkeit und juristische Karrieren, Irgendwas mit Recht Podcast
  • Moderator, A fire debate: Are commercial courts the better choice in emergency cases?, DIS40 Conference, September 2023
  • Moderator, Tailor-made arbitration proceedings, ARBinBRIEF, February 2023
  • Moderator, Legality of Witness Preparations, DIS40 Frankfurt, December 2022
  • Guest Speaker, People and Culture, BusyLamp Conference, Stuttgart, September 2022
  • Guest Speaker, Gender Diversity in Law, Clifford Chance LLP, September 2022
  • Guest Speaker, New Lawyers #40 (podcast), August 2022
  • Guest Speaker, Oxford Style Debate: CISG Can and Should Govern the Arbitration Agreement, XVI. Moot Alumni Association International Commercial Law and Arbitration Conference, April 2022
  • Moderator, Taking Enforcement Risks into Account, ARBinBRIEF, April 2022
  • Guest Speaker, Trailblazers: Where Ambition Meets Extraordinary, ARBinBRIEF, Sepember 2021

Leadership Positions And Professional Affiliations

  • Co-Chair, DIS40 (below40 organisation of the German Institute for Arbitration)
  • Co-Founder, ARBinBRIEF



Rechtsanwältin, Germany, 2022


Second State Exam, Law, Germany, 2022

Dr. iur, Law, University of Basel, Switzerland, 2019 (summa cum laude)

Visiting Scholar, Columbia Law School, USA, 2016

First State Exam, Law, Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Germany, 2014

A&O Shearman was formed on May 1, 2024 by the combination of Shearman & Sterling LLP and Allen & Overy LLP and their respective affiliates (the legacy firms). Any matters referred to above may include matters undertaken by one or more of the legacy firms rather than A&O Shearman.