Sebastian Schulz

Dr Sebastian Schulz


Sebastian is an employment specialist with a wide experience in advising international and national companies on all issues of individual and collective employment law, in particular with a focus on the financial industry and all aspects of remuneration as well as bonus and incentive schemes.

Furthermore, his practice includes dealing with employee representatives, internal investigations and employment law aspects of M&A transactions, including post-deal integration and reorganisation measures.

He effectively coordinates deal teams across jurisdictions and, due to his strong entrepreneurial mindset, he is always able to help clients to achieve their strategic goals. Clients value him for a clear view on all legal aspects of a matter while providing tailor-made and pragmatic advice.

Sebastian is regularly represents clients in proceedings before labour courts and is also well-known for the conclusion of out-of-court termination agreements with respect to both employment and service relationships.




Representative matters

  • A multinational financial institution on the acquisition of highly specialized technological assets of the European merchant payment services and processing business (Merchant Payments; Acquiring & Issuing) of the insolvent Wirecard group.
  • SGS, the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company on its acquisition of SYNLAB’s Analytics and Services in Europe.
  • A multinational financial institution on the acquisition of the Equity Markets & Commodities (EMC) business unit of Commerzbank AG.
  • Cerberus Capital Management on the takeover of HSH Nordbank (this deal marked the first successful privatization of a German state bank).
  • EUR 825 million: Tokai Carbon Co. Ltd. on the acquisition of COBEX-group from Triton.
  • EUR 1.4 billion: PAI Partners on the acquisition of Armacell from Blackstone.
  • EUR 352 million: Helaba on the acquisition of Dexia Kommunalbank Deutschland.
  • The insolvency administrator of ESCADA SE, Dr. Christian Gerloff, on the asset transfer to a US investor.
  • A global financial institution on the termination of its joint venture with Commerzbank AG.

Published Work

  • Schulz S.; Löw (2020) "Erfolgreiche übertragende Sanierung trotz Betriebsübergang? ", BB 2020, 244
  • Schulz S., Stolzenberg (2019) "Anordnung von Auslandsreisen auf Grundlage des Weisungsrechts", NZA 2019, 1320
  • Schulz S., Pfrang (2018) "Reichweite und Grenzen von Auskunfts- und Informationsansprüchen des Betriebsrats", BB 2018, 1396
  • Schulz S. (2017) "Zu spät? Die 2-Wochen-Frist bei der außerordentlichen Kündigung", Personalszene, 27.11.2017
  • Schulz S. (2017) "Betriebsänderungen während einer Betriebsratswahl", BB 2017, 949
  • Schulz S. (2016) "Richtig mit Low Performern umgehen", Human Resources Manager Online, 02.05.2016
  • Schulz S. (2015) "Neue Regeln zur Leiharbeit", Human Resources Manager Online, 30.11.2015
  • Schulz S., Zimmermann (2014) "Kündigungsschutzklage eines Profifußballtrainers", jurisPR-ArbR 7/2014 Anm. 4
  • Schulz S. (2014) "Kündigung eines Schwerbehinderten durch den Betriebserwerber - Zustimmungsantrag durch den Insolvenzverwalter als Betriebsveräußerer", AuA 2014, page 486 et seq. (Anmerkung)
  • Schulz S., Menke (2011) "Fristlose Kündigung nach § 627 BGB im Sportrecht", NJW 2011, page 1845 et seq.
  • Schulz S. (2011) "Grundrechtskollisionen im Berufssport", dissertation at Kiel University



Specialized Lawyer in Employment Law (Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht), Germany, 2019

Rechtsanwalt, Germany, 2013


Dr. jur., University Kiel, Germany, 2010
A&O Shearman was formed on May 1, 2024 by the combination of Shearman & Sterling LLP and Allen & Overy LLP and their respective affiliates (the legacy firms). Any matters referred to above may include matters undertaken by one or more of the legacy firms rather than A&O Shearman.