
Webinar - Implementing Basel 3.1: practicalities and likely impacts

Webinar - Implementing Basel 3.1: practicalities and likely impacts
Published Date
Sep 25 2024
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In this session, our financial services regulatory experts considered where the U.K., EU and U.S. stand on implementation of the final Basel III standards, including likely timeframes, divergences and the practicalities and impacts.

In May, the Group of Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervision (GHOS) reported that around two thirds of member jurisdictions will have implemented all, or the majority, of the standards by this year, with the remaining jurisdictions planning on doing so by next year (including the U.K., EU and U.S.). This session considered whether this remains true and covers key topics in the Basel III reforms, highlighting those aspects of the international reforms which are likely to require particular focus from, and have significant impacts on, firms.

Watch the webinar on Implementing Basel 3.1: practicalities and likely impacts.

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