Information for former Shearman (London) clients

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Information for former Shearman London clients

I am a former client of Shearman & Sterling (London) LLP (Shearman London). What is happening to my client files and how can I access them?

If you have a live matter, you should have received a communication from Shearman London setting out the arrangements for client files(s) and any wills, deeds or hardcopy original documents Shearman London holds for you following the merger. 

The arrangements described below will apply if you do not have a live matter and/or if you are a former client of Shearman London if, as of May 1, 2024, Shearman London held client files for you.

On May 1, 2024, ownership of your client file(s) transferred to A&O Shearman LLP.

The electronic files will remain in the same secure document management system (DMS) and the security model governing access to your files will remain unchanged. After a transitional period, and following careful evaluation of suitable systems, your files will be held in a new A&O Shearman DMS system, which will be subject to security measures that are no less stringent than those currently in place.

Access to your files will be in line with our regulatory obligations and governed by A&O Shearman LLP’s policies. 

If at any stage you wish to access your client files please contact

I am a former client of Shearman London and I believe that Shearman London held wills, deeds or other hardcopy originals for me. What is happening to these and how can I access them?

Deeds and hard copy original documents belonging to former clients of Shearman London have been identified and are being returned to those clients. If you believe that Shearman London held any wills, deeds or hardcopy original documents on your behalf, and you have not yet received these documents as of May 1, 2024, please contact

Shearman London holds client money for me. What is happening to this money and how can I access it?

If Shearman London holds client money for you, you should have received a communication from Shearman London setting out the arrangements for your money after May 1, 2024. 

If Shearman London held any client money on your behalf as of May 1, 2024, this will remain in the existing bank account (which will be novated to A&O Shearman LLP in due course) until it is paid out in the normal course in line with your instructions.

If you wish to access your client money, please contact

I am a former client of Shearman London and I am dissatisfied with the service I have received/am receiving. Who should I contact?

At A&O Shearman, we take our professional responsibilities seriously and are committed to providing the highest quality service to all of our clients. If you, as a client, are dissatisfied with the service you have received or are receiving, either from A&O Shearman or, before May 1, 2024, from Allen & Overy or Shearman & Sterling, you may make a complaint following our complaints procedure. If you wish to discuss a complaint submitted to Shearman & Sterling prior to May 1, 2024, please contact