Andrea Dufaure
Andrea assists clients in the tech and entertainment sectors (video game publishers, media service providers, imaging and production companies) in their trademark, copyright and unfair competition disputes before French courts.
As both an American and French citizen, she is qualified to practice law in Paris and New York.
Andrea regularly speaks at trademark and games industry conferences across Europe such as More Than Just a Game in Paris or London, and the Games Industry Law Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Andrea delivers a course on IP Protection of Video Games at the Sorbonne University (2021).
Andrea is also active in the pro bono field. She has been assisting Café Joyeux (a coffee-shop chain which employs staff suffering from mental disabilities) for several years in their trademark disputes.The AOS team has been shortlisted for the 2021 Pro Bono Trophies, organized each year by the Paris Bar to highlight lawyers and student lawyers’ commitment to pro bono causes, as a result of their work. Andrea is also involved in various diversity initiatives for the AOS Paris office.




Pro bono

  • Assisting Café Joyeux (a coffee-shop chain which employs staff suffering from mental disabilities) for several years in their trademark disputes. The AOS team has been shortlisted for the 2021 Pro Bono Trophies, organized each year by the Paris Bar to highlight lawyers and student lawyers’ commitment to pro bono causes, as a result of their work. Andrea is also involved in various diversity initiatives for the AOS Paris office.

Published Work

  • E-Sports in France: two long-awaited Decrees now published
  • L'affaire Nintendo c/PC Box : le tribunal di Milano condamne la société PC Box à la lumière des critères de protection des mesures techniques de protection dégagés par la CJUE (2016)
  • VIACOM v. YOUTUBE (United Court of Appeal for the 2nd Circuit): Comparative analysis of the LCEN and the DMCA

Speaking Engagements

  • Gamescom, Cologne, 2024 
  • Gamesweek Zurich, Zurich, 2023 
  • Horizon(s), Bordeaux, 2023, 2024 
  • Games Industry Law Ontour, Varsovie, 2023 and Cyprus, 2024 
  • More Than Just a Game, Paris, 2023 
  • Games Industry Law Summit, Vilnius, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023 
  • More Than Just a Game, Paris, 2018 
  • Mastering the Game, Varsovie, 2016 

Leadership Positions And Professional Affiliations

  • New York State Bar association – Intellectual Property section
  • INTA and AIPPI


Rising Star
Legal 500 EMEA 2024 - France (Intellectual Property: copyright)
Rising Star
Legal 500 EMEA 2023 - France (Intellectual Property: Trademarks & Designs)


  • Diversity Trailblazer 
  • WIPR 2023



Admitted to the Paris Bar, 2014

Admitted to the New York Bar, 2013


LL.M in Intellectual Property – Boston University School of Law, Boston, Massachusetts 2012

Double Master Degree in French and American Intellectual Property Law – University of Paris X Nanterre 2012

Double degree in French and American law – University of Paris X Nanterre 2010

A&O Shearman was formed on May 1, 2024 by the combination of Shearman & Sterling LLP and Allen & Overy LLP and their respective affiliates (the legacy firms). Any matters referred to above may include matters undertaken by one or more of the legacy firms rather than A&O Shearman.