Florence Ninane
Headshot of Florence Ninane

Florence Ninane


Florence has significant experience in the areas of French and European competition law (mergers, antitrust and state aid issues). 
She regularly assists companies with their French, EU and multi-jurisdictional merger notifications, and also represents companies in competition law litigation before competition authorities and national courts (in cartel investigations, abuse of dominance, state aid and private enforcement matters). Florence’s particular areas of sector expertise include energy, finance, digital sector and consumer goods and she advises various operators in these areas. 



Published Work

  • Florence Ninane, (February 2019) Global Trends in Merger Control Enforcement Report, Paris
  • Florence Ninane, (2019 chapter), « L’accès aux preuves dans le cadre du contentieux indemnitaire prive du fait des pratiques anticoncurrentielles », Paris : Lamy Economique
  • Florence Ninane, (July 2018) Contribution to the Antitrust Analysis of Online Sales Platforms & Copyright Limitations and Exceptions, Paris
  • Florence Ninane, (May 2018) Contribution : The Public Competition Enforcement Review, The Law Reviews, France Chapter, Paris
  • Florence Ninane, (April 2018) The Public Competition Enforcement Review, 10th Edition : French chapter (2017), Paris
  • Florence Ninane, (September 2017) Contribution to two chapters of the new edition of the Lamy Concurrence regarding the collection of evidence in damages cases for anti-competitive practices, Paris : Lamy Concurrence
  • Florence Ninane, (September 2017) Publication of an e-Alert regarding the theme: « La Cour de Justice précise que les règles européennes en matière de concentration ne s'appliquent pas aux entreprises communes qui ne sont pas de plein exercice », Paris
  • Florence Ninane, (September 2017) Publication of an e-alert regarding CJEU’s Coty decision authorising marketplace bans to members of selective distribution systems, Paris
  • Florence Ninane, (September 2017) Contribution to two chapters of the new edition of the Lamy Concurrence regarding the collection of evidence in damages cases for anti-competitive practices, Paris : Lamy Concurrence
  • Florence Ninane, (April 2017) Publication d’un article dans le revue Contrats Concurrence Consommation sur l’accès à la preuve dans le contentieux indemnitaire en matière de pratiques anticoncurrentielles, Paris
  • Florence Ninane, (January 2017) Mailing of publication: La fermeté de l'UE dans la mise en application de la loi entraîne une augmentation des amendes infligées aux cartels en 2016, Paris
  • Florence Ninane, (2017) The Public Competition Enforcement Review – 10th Edition : French chapter , Paris
  • Florence Ninane, (December 2016) Mailing of an e-alert: « Un nouvel encadrement des relations commerciales aux pieds du Sapin 2 avant Noël », Paris
  • Florence Ninane, (September 2015) E-Bulletin Competition: Ruling of the French Constitutional Court of 6 August 2015 – powers of the French Competition Authority, Paris
  • Florence Ninane, (April 2015) E-alert « On 3 April 2015, the French Competition Authority released its revised leniency notice », Paris
  • Florence Ninane, (March 2015) Preparing and submitting written observations on behalf of A&O in response to the French Competition Authority’s public consultation on its revised notice on leniency, Paris

Speaking Engagements

  • Speaker, hosting "Journée d'études de l'AFEC 2019", April 2019
  • Speaker, Conférence-déjeuner, Revue Concurrences :"Prix excessifs", March 2019
  • Speaker, Conference on Big Data and on-line advertisement with Eleonora Ocello (DG COMP) and Nicolas Deffieux (Deputy General Case Handler, French Competition Authority)", May 2018
  • Speaker, Conférence-déjeuner, Revue Concurrences :"Plateformes électroniques et droit de la concurrence", September 2018
  • Speaker, hosting "Journée d'études de l'AFEC 2017", March 2017
  • Speaker, Revue Concurrences conference "Estimation du préjudice dans le contentieux indemnitaire de la concurrence", March 2017
  • Speaker, LIDC seminar on the implementation in France of EU directive on damages claims , January 2017
  • Speaker, Revue Concurrences seminar on “La politique de sanction de l’Autorité de la concurrence, avec Emmanuel Combe (vice-président de l’ADLC) et David Spector (Mapp) “, November 2016
  • Vertical Restraints conference. Co-presentation of the session on Most Favoured Nation Clauses (MFNs), focusing on developments in France, IBC Conference, June 2016
  • Concurrence seminar on the concept of Damage to economy, June 2016
  • Speaker, Revue Concurrences conference "Plateformes de réservation en ligne, clauses de parité... Quelle régulation par les autorités de concurrence ?", May 2016
  • Revue Concurrences Seminar, “Market place et distribution sélective“, April 2016
  • “Ethique, Transparence, Compliance : facteurs de compétitivité ou freins au développement ? “, Les Rencontres de l’Innovation – 4ème Edition, March 2016
  • Intervention dans le cadre de la conference annuelle de l’AFEC sur les actions civiles en droit de la concurrence, February 2016
  • Rencontres Economiques d’Aix-en-Provence, speaking on “Dans quel monde voulons-nous éduquer nos enfants”, July 2015
  • Speaker, Financial Institution Litigation 2015, IBC Conference, November 2015
  • Speaker, Competition Law in the Retail Sector, IBC Conference, October 2015
  • Speaker, Revue Concurrences seminar “Qu’est-ce qu’un accord anticoncurrentiel ? “, March 2015
  • Speaker, Compliance re the risk of anti-trust fines, OCDE roundtable, March 2015

Leadership Positions And Professional Affiliations

  • Member, Association des Avocats Pratiquant le Droit de la Concurrence (APDC)
  • Member, Association Française de Droit de l'Energie (AFDEN)


What qualifies her is her ability to make a complex practice easily understandable to non-specialists and business people.
Chambers Europe (Competition/European Law) France, 2023
Florence Ninane demonstrates great responsiveness, is reassuring and very quickly understands the business issues raised by the legal questions.
Chambers Europe (Competition/European Law) France, 2023



Admitted to the Paris Bar, 2001

Admitted to the Hauts-de-Seine Bar, 1999


Post Graduate Degree, Business Law, University of Paris II Panthéon Assas, 1997

DJCE Degree, Counsel in Commercial Law, University of Paris II Panthéon Assas, 1997

Post Graduate Degree, Compared European Law, University of Nancy II, 1996

Post Graduate Degree (Magistère), Business Law, University of Nancy II, 1996


English, French
A&O Shearman was formed on May 1, 2024 by the combination of Shearman & Sterling LLP and Allen & Overy LLP and their respective affiliates (the legacy firms). Any matters referred to above may include matters undertaken by one or more of the legacy firms rather than A&O Shearman.