Joyce Leemrijse
Headshot of Joyce Leemrjse

Joyce Leemrijse


Joyce is the co-head of our corporate practice in Amsterdam.

She specialises in various aspects of (notarial) corporate law such as M&A, JVs, IPOs, cross border mergers, demergers and redomiciliations, corporate restructurings and reorganisations. She advises (inter)national listed companies on their Dutch structure, AGMs and Dutch corporate governance.

Prior to joining the firm, Joyce was the managing partner for the Amsterdam office of AKD Prinsen Van Wijmen. She has experience of working in New York, where she mainly focused on US international clients doing business in Europe via the Netherlands.



Published Work

  • J.J.C.A. Leemrijse, Remuneration and the Dutch listed company (‘bezoldiging binnen beursvennootschappen belicht’), published in: TAC Overall, Issue 2022-4, 2022
  • J.J.C.A. Leemrijse, The EU Shareholders Rights Directive in practice: a focus on the Dutch remuneration policy and remuneration report (‘De aandeelhoudersrichtlijn in de praktijk: het bezoldigingbeleid en verslag onder de loep”), published in: TAC Overall, Issue 26-2019-2, 2019
  • J.J.C.A. Leemrijse, The first tranche of the new simplified and flexible laws on private limited liability companies (“De Eerste Tranche van het vereenvoudigd BV-recht”), published in: Tijdschrift voor Ondernemingsbestuur TvOB, April 2005, Issue 2, 2005
  • J.J.C.A. Leemrijse, The Societas Europea, a uniform legal entity (“De Europese vennootschap, een uniforme rechtsvorm?”), published in Accountant Adviseur, monthly magazine for accountants of the NOvAA, May 2004, Issue 5, 2004
  • J.J.C.A. Leemrijse, The Societas Europea, an overview of its characteristics and manners of creation (“De Europese vennootschap, een overzicht van haar kenmerken en ontstaanswijzen”), published in: Onderneming & Financiering, May 2004, Issue 61, 2004
  • J.J.C.A. Leemrijse, The cross border merger in more detail (“De grensoverschrijdende fusie nader uitgewerkt”), and The SE as a party to a Dutch statutory merger or demerger (“SE als partij bij een nationale juridische fusie of splitsing”), and the Overview of B.V., N.V. and SE (“Overzicht B.V., N.V., en SE”), as chapters of The Societas Europea, Dutch corporate and tax law aspects (“De Europese Vennootschap (SE), Nederlandse civiel- en fiscaalrechtelijke aspecten”), published by SDU
  • J.J.C.A. Leemrijse, The triangular demerger and parent subsidiary relationships (“De driehoekssplitsing binnen moeder-dochterverhoudingen”), published in V&O, November 2003, Issue 11, 2003
  • J.J.C.A. Leemrijse, “Due Diligence in International M&A Transactions, The Team of Experts”, with Jon Grouf, Scott Newman and Mark Doets; published in: Business Law International, Issue 1, January 2002
  • J.J.C.A. Leemrijse, Protection of corporate details (“Bescherming van vennootschappelijke gegevens”), published as Volume 25 of The Director (De Directeur), September 2000
  • J.J.C.A. Leemrijse, Capital duty: conversion of share premium caused by mergers (“Kapitaalsbelasting: conversie van fusie-agio”), with Mr. Magnin, published in: WPNR 94/6145

Leadership Positions And Professional Affiliations

  • Chair of the supervisory body of and member of the Royal Professional Organisation of Civil Law Notaries ('Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie’)
  • Lecturer of corporate law for post-graduate education
  • Co-head of our corporate practice in Amsterdam
  • Member of the Netherlands Commercial Law Association



Registered foreign lawyer, England and Wales, 2009

Notaris, Netherlands, 2006


Notarial Law, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 1995

Tax Law, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 1995


Dutch, English
A&O Shearman was formed on May 1, 2024 by the combination of Shearman & Sterling LLP and Allen & Overy LLP and their respective affiliates (the legacy firms). Any matters referred to above may include matters undertaken by one or more of the legacy firms rather than A&O Shearman.