Ken and his team advise corporates, financial institutions, funds, governments, and NGOs on a wide range of regulatory and risk issues in transactions, stand-alone compliance matters, and disputes, including: sustainability and ESG, climate risk, emissions trading and decarbonization, corporate reporting and disclosure, governance and risk management, the Equator Principles and similar voluntary standards, supply chain sustainability, toxic tort risk, and human rights.
Ken and his team also advise on U.S. and international economic sanctions, foreign direct investment rules (CFIUS), anti-corruption and anti-bribery compliance, and similar matters. Ken writes and speaks frequently on environmental and regulatory matters, and is a Lecturer-in-Law at Columbia University School of Law, where he co-teaches a seminar called “Environmental and ESG Concerns in Business Transactions and Corporate Decision-making.” He is the former Chair of the Advisory Council for the Institute at Brown (University) for Environment and Society, Member (and former President) of the Board of Trustees for the Human Needs Food Pantry, Former Chair of the New York City Bar Committee on International Environmental Law, a member of the Leadership Council for the Environmental Law Institute, and has served on numerous additional boards. He also is a core member of the International Environmental Lawyers Network, and a member of the Environmental Law Advisory Committee at Columbia Law School.
Ken is widely recognized as a leading international lawyer by the principal legal ratings publications, including Chambers & Partners (Ranked Band 1), The Legal 500 (Ranked as “Hall of Fame”), The Legal 500 Green Guide (Ranked as "Green Ambassador") and Who’s Who Legal Thought Leaders (Ranked as “Recommended”).