Patrick Ploeger
Headshot of Patrick Ploeger

Patrick Ploeger


Patrick specialises in investigations, corporate criminal defense, litigation, and regulatory enforcement.

He has extensive experience in counselling corporates, issuers and financial institutions when they are faced with sensitive criminal or regulatory investigations, proceedings or enforcement action by domestic or foreign authorities, resolving matters out of court or through litigation. He has led numerous cross-border internal investigations into matters such as corruption and bribery, anti-money laundering, export controls & economic sanctions, tax fraud, market abuse, fraud, accounting irregularities and other business crime, regulatory and compliance issues. 

Patrick is also highly experienced in litigating complex corporate, financial and regulatory disputes. Financial reporting and auditing are a particular focus area in Patrick’s advisory and litigation practice. His experience involves IFRS as well as Dutch and US GAAP. Patrick’s contentious work includes representing clients in restatement proceedings before the Enterprise Chamber, in regulatory actions by the AFM and in civil litigation. 

Patrick is recognized by Chambers, Legal 500, and Global Investigations Review/Who's Who Legal as one of the leading global practitioners and thought leader in the area of white-collar crime and investigations. 




Published Work

  • Tijdschrift voor Ondernemingsbestuur (2024) Strafrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid van bestuurders bij falende compliance
  • Sdu Commentaar Ondernemingsrecht (2023 – present), Jaarrekeningprocedures
  • Handboek Marktmisbruik (2018), Hoofdstuk 5 (Insiderlijsten en andere preventieve maatregelen) (together with I.A. de Casseres)
  • Handboek Onderneming en Sanctierecht (2013), Hoofdstuk 19 (Toezicht en handhaving van de Wft uit grensoverschrijdend perspectief)
  • De werking van EU-sanctieregelgeving onder Nederlands recht, Ondernemingsrecht 2011/106 (together with M.F. Faber)
  • Handboek Jaarrekeningenrecht (2020), Gebeurtenissen na balansdatum en foutenherstel
  • Annotation Rechtbank Rotterdam 20 december 2017, JOR 2018/73 (AFM/EY)
  • Handboek notarieel ondernemingsrecht – deel 1 BV en NV (2016), Hoofdstuk 9 (Financiële verslaggeving)
  • Consolidatierecht, TvJ 2015/6
  • Nationale kop(pigheid), TvJ 2013/6
  • Obesitas in het jaarrekeningenrecht, TvJ 2012/5
  • Annotation Hoge Raad 24 April 2009, JOR 2009/188 (Spyker/AFM)
  • Annotation Rechtbank Utrecht 12 November 2008, JOR 2009/8
  • Jaarverslag, OFR, MD&A of MC?, TvJ, nr. 6, 2007, p. 133 - 140 (together with M.F. van Wissen)
  • Kroniek enquêterecht, in Geschriften vanwege de Vereniging Corporate Litigation 2006 – 2007, (together with B. Winters)
  • Actualiteitenrubriek (co-author) (2006 – 2010), TvJ
  • Voortgezette financiering in de jaarrekening: aansprakelijkheid van aandeelhouders in het geding?, V&O, 2006/7-8 (together with H.G. de Jong)
  • Accountant en corporate governance, TvJ 4/5, 2006
  • Voorstel wet toezicht financiële verslaggeving, Onderneming & Financiering, 2006/70
  • De algemene bepalingen toepasselijk op de IFRS-jaarrekening, Ondernemingsrecht 2004/16


Patrick Ploeger is valued by clients for his handling of complex mandates, one describing him as "very calm and very composed," before elaborating: "He did a hell of a job in a situation that was not easy.
Chambers 2021
Patrick Ploeger is well suited to advise on complex and urgent cases and is legally sharp and very practical.
Chambers 2024



Admitted as a lawyer (advocaat), Netherlands 1998

Listed in the register of legal practice areas of the Dutch Bar Association for Ondernemingsrecht, Strafrecht (Financieel economisch strafrecht, fiscaal strafrecht)


Masters (LL.M.), University of Notre Dame (magna cum laude), 1998

Law Degree, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 1997


Dutch, English
A&O Shearman was formed on May 1, 2024 by the combination of Shearman & Sterling LLP and Allen & Overy LLP and their respective affiliates (the legacy firms). Any matters referred to above may include matters undertaken by one or more of the legacy firms rather than A&O Shearman.