Co-author, "Correttivo Cartabia: le novità sulla mediazione", MAG by Legalcommunity, p. 42, February 2025
Co-author, "How climate change impacts on the Insurers", Insurance Daily, 21 November 2019
Co-author, "Class actions in Italy: a turning point at last?", Commercial Dispute Resolution, 31 July 2019
Author, "Penalty clause: among sanction and compensation functions. Point made on the application of Art. 1229 of the Italian Civil Code on the requirements for the reduction on ex aequo et bono basis",, Giuffrè, 14 October 2014
Author, "The third party is beneficiary of the effects of the contract entered into in his/her/its favor, not of the choice of court clause", I Contratti, vol. IV, 2014, pages 333 and ff.
Author, "Urbanization plans and strategic environmental assessment", Giurisprudenza Italiana, June 2013, p. 1264
Author, "Liability of the State for defaulted assessment of environmental impact", Giurisprudenza Italiana, April 2013, p. 764
Author, "Requirements for the petition for European judicial order of payment", Giurisprudenza Italiana, February 2013, pages 272-273
Author, "Railway transportation and passengers’ information rights", Giurisprudenza Italiana, January 2013, pages 27-28
Author, "Free circulation of persons and unemployment contributions", Giurisprudenza Italiana, December 2012, pages 2483-2484
Author, "Free circulation of goods and EU marking obligation", Giurisprudenza Italiana, November 2012, p. 2240
Author, "Alcoolic beverage labelling, healthcase protection and enterprise liberty", Giurisprudenza Italiana, October 2012, pages 1990-91