Stephan Funck
Headshot of Funck Stephan

Stephan Funck

Of Counsel

Stephan is one of the leading experts in the German market on the structuring of investment funds for institutional investors.

He focuses on alternative investments, taking into account investment funds’ and insurance companies’ regulatory requirements (incl. the German investment ordinance for certain insurers and pension funds / Anlageverordnung, the German insurance supervisory act / VAG and Solvency II). Another focus of his practice are the regulations on the investment of investment funds and insurance companies in derivatives, structured notes and securitisations.

Before joining A&O Shearman, Stephan worked for leading investment banks for more than 16 years, focusing on the structuring of transactions in financial instruments from investors’ regulatory, accounting and tax perspective.



Published Work

  • Finanzinstrumente im Versicherungsaufsichtsrecht, in: Haisch/Helios, Rechtshandbuch Finanzinstrumente, 1. Aufl. München 2011
  • Finanzinstrumente im Investmentrecht (with Martin Böhringer), in: Haisch/Helios, Rechtshandbuch Finanzinstrumente, 1. Aufl. München 2011
  • Eigenmittel der Versicherungsunternehmen nach Solvency II im Spiegel des Regierungsentwurfs zur 10. VAG-Novelle, RdF 2012, 325 (with Martin Böhringer)
  • Coco’s in limbo under German insurance law, IFLR May 2015 (with Bernd Geier)
  • Insurers as Investors in CoCos: Solvency II, RegCap Analytics, 2015 (with Bernd Geier)
  • Derivative Absicherungsgeschäfte als Risikominderungstechniken unter Solvency II, in: Dreher/Wandt, Solvency II in der Rechtsanwendung 2017
  • Die Abgrenzung geschlossener Fonds von offenen Zwecke für Zwecke des § 193 Abs. 1 S. 1 Nr. 7 KAGB, RdF 2022, 88
  • Excuse Rights bei Anlagen in alternative Investmentvermögen (with Frank Herring), Absolut private 2023, 40



English, German
A&O Shearman was formed on May 1, 2024 by the combination of Shearman & Sterling LLP and Allen & Overy LLP and their respective affiliates (the legacy firms). Any matters referred to above may include matters undertaken by one or more of the legacy firms rather than A&O Shearman.