Lucia Raimanova
Lucia is Co-Managing Partner of Bratislava.
She is a solicitor-advocate of England & Wales with 20 years of experience in high-stakes investment treaty and commercial arbitration across the world, as well as in major construction disputes. Lucia practised with the firm in London and Hong Kong before relocating to Bratislava to lead the firm’s arbitration practice in the CEE. She has been repeatedly named a Thought Leader in Arbitration by Who’s Who Legal.
Lucia regularly appears for corporate clients and States in investment treaty and commercial arbitration proceedings seated in both civil and common law jurisdictions (e.g. Geneva, London, Paris, Vienna) and under all the major arbitration rules (e.g. ICC, ICSID, LCIA, SCC, SRIA, UNCITRAL, VIAC). The combined value of disputes Lucia has handled exceeds US$20 billion.
Lucia has experience in arbitration-related litigation in the English and Indian courts, having secured a number of judgments in favour of her clients, including successfully challenging awards and securing injunctions. She also represented clients before the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Lucia currently serves on the Board of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre (‘VIAC’), the Board of the British Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia and the Board of the Arbitration Association of Central and Eastern Europe (of which she is also a founding member). She is also a member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR and sits as arbitrator.
Lucia is fluent in English, German, Slovak and Czech and can read Russian.




Representative matters

  • A European financial institution and its CEE subsidiary in an ICSID arbitration against the Republic of Croatia. The arbitration was discontinued following a final merits hearing and two favourable decisions on jurisdiction.
  • BG Exploration and Production India Ltd (now part of the Shell Group) and Reliance Industries Ltd in ongoing London-seated UNCITRAL arbitration proceedings against the Union of India. The dispute arises out of two production sharing contracts and there is more than USD5 billion in dispute. Lucia has also advised BG and Reliance in related court proceedings.
  • The Islamic Republic of Pakistan in two London-seated UNCITRAL arbitration proceedings (and related court proceedings) valued in excess of USD500 million brought by Dr Ali Allawi and Progas Energy Ltd, Progas Holdings Ltd and Sheffield Engineering Company Ltd under the UK-Pakistan BIT and Mauritius-Pakistan BIT, respectively. All claims were dismissed and Pakistan was awarded almost all of its costs.
  • Zero Bypass (a consortium comprising Cintra, Porr and Macquarie Capital) in a Vienna-seated ICC arbitration against Slovakia. Slovakia was found liable for delays in issuing certain construction permits and ordered to pay EUR 38.5 million in damages plus interest.
  • Canepa Green Energy Opportunities I, S.á r.l. and Canepa Green Energy Opportunities II, S.á r.l. in ongoing ICSID arbitration proceedings under the Energy Charter Treaty against Spain. The claim relates to Canepa’s renewable energy investments in Spain.
  • The Islamic Republic of Pakistan in a London-seated CIArb arbitration brought by Broadsheet LLC, valued in excess of USD300 million. Pakistan was ordered to pay only 7% of the damages sought.
  • The Republic of Azerbaijan in two separate ICSID arbitrations brought by Fondel Metal Participations B.V. and Azpetrol International Holdings B.V. and others, respectively. Both cases settled without payment or admission of liability by the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  • An Australian employer in a multi-billion dollar Singapore-seated ICC arbitration relating to works at one of the world’s largest ever LNG projects. The dispute was successfully settled.
  • A Romanian distributor of gas against an Austrian supplier in a London-seated LCIA arbitration relating to failed supply of gas. Our client was awarded all damages and legal costs sought.
  • A Polish branch of an international bank in a Warsaw-seated UNCITRAL arbitration concerning non-payment under a guarantee. The dispute was successfully settled.
  • A Dutch company in a London-seated ICC arbitration against a multinational company concerning the termination of a licensing agreement. Our client prevailed on liability and was awarded significant damages.
  • A FTSE 100 company in a multi-billion dollar London-seated LCIA arbitration concerning a bespoke insurance cover. The dispute settled on terms favourable to our client.

Pro bono

  • Delivering training courses on various investment treaty topics to government lawyers and academics from various African countries in Johannesburg and London, organized by Africa International Legal Awareness.
  • Representing a professional body before a disciplinary committee in two professional misconduct cases brought against one of its members.
  • Advising an international organization on aspects of English civil procedure and tortious liability.
  • Advising litigants in person at the Battersea Legal Advice Centre in London.

Published Work

  • Masser A., Raimanová L., Pauley K., Plachý P. (2021), “Special Mechanisms for Obtaining Evidence”, Chapter in The Guide to Evidence in International Arbitration (Kläsner, Magál and Neuhaus (ed), 1st edition), London: Law Business Research Ltd
  • Plachý P., Raimanová L., Košalko M. (2021), “Efektívnosť dokazovania v medzinárodnej obchodnej arbitráži a pred slovenskými súdmi” (“The effectiveness of the Taking of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration and before the Slovak Courts”), Bulletin slovenskej advokácie (9/2021), pp. 34-41, Bratislava: Slovenská advokátska komora
  • Raimanová L., Dulovičová L. (2018), “The Implications of Brexit for International Arbitration”, Chapter in Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2018 (Klausegger et al. (ed)), pp.189-206, Vienna: MANZ’sche Verlags- und Universitätsbuchhandlung, Munich: Verlag C.H. Beck, Bern: Stämpfli Verlag
  • Stoyanov M., Sullivan J., Raimanová L. (2016 and 2017), “Multiparty Proceedings and Mass Claims”, Chapter in The Investment Treaty Arbitration Review (Barton Legum (ed)), London: Law Business Research Ltd
  • Raimanová L. (2009 and 2012), “Yukos and its Progeny”, Stockholm Arb. L. Rev. (2009:1), pp. 63-87 (also in Rubins N.D. (ed) “Investment Arbitration Decisions”, New York: Juris Publishing), Stockholm: Juris Net
  • Sinclair A., Raimanová L. (2009), “MFN Treatment and the Adjudication of Investment Disputes”, 21(2) Nat. L. Sch. Ind. L. Rev., Bangalore: NLSIU 
  • Blogs:
  • Raimanová L. (2020) “Termination of BITs: Where does this leave Slovakia?”, International Law Office, London: Law Business Research 
  • Raimanová L., Plachý P. (2017), “Current investor-state dispute settlement has reached its zenith, but where next?”, Practical Law Arbitration Blog, London: Thomson Reuters
  • Raimanová L. (2016), “Arbitrator conflicts in a global era: some reflections on the challenges in ConocoPhillips v Venezuela, as the quantum phase of the case nears its conclusion”, Practical Law Arbitration Blog, London: Thomson Reuters

Speaking Engagements

  • Panellist, “The Fair and Equitable Treatment Standard: Update and Perspectives”, Paris Arbitration Week, 30/06/2022
  • Panellist, “CEE you in London?”, presenting on “Costs, damages and duration in investor-State arbitration in the CEE region”, London International Disputes Week, 9/05/2022
  • Panellist, “Res Judicata & Lis Pendens”, Vienna Arbitration Days 2022, 25/02/2022
  • Panellist, “Practical Tips for Drafting Arbitration Agreements”, Inaugural Event of the European Chinese Arbitrators Association, Vienna, 14/09/2021
  • Guest speaker, “The EU Member States Have Terminated Their BITs on 5 May 2020 – What Now?”, “Mute-Off on Thursdays” (virtual), 18/06/2020
  • Panellist, “The Future of Intra-EU Arbitration”, ICC YAP (virtual), 9/06/2020
  • Guest Speaker, “Selected aspects of international commercial arbitration” (focus on sanctions), “Pravo” Litigation Conference, Moscow, 25/10/2019
  • Panellist, “Enforcement experiences and trends – is the final award now the new starting point?”, 5th Annual GAR Live Energy Disputes, London, 2/07/2019
  • Panellist, “Innovation in Dispute Resolution: Sci-Fi or Future Reality?”, Innovative Legal Services Forum, Prague, 30/05/2019
  • Keynote Speaker, “Walking the tightrope between legitimate regulatory measures and expropriation”, 8th Warsaw Investment Arbitration Debate, “The Evolving Boundaries of the Right to Regulate”, Warsaw, 26/10/2018
  • Panellist, “The consequences of the CJEU’s Achmea judgment for investment treaty arbitration”, DAA Investment Arbitration Conference, Amsterdam, 15/06/2018
  • Panellist (Oxford-style debate), “The noble goals of the new institutional rules on expedited proceedings will be foiled by due process paranoia”, 10th ICC YAF-YAAP Joint Conference, Vienna, 24/03/2018
  • Guest Speaker, “Proving Corruption in Investment Treaty Arbitration”, AmCham and Comenius University Arbitration Conference, Bratislava, 27/04/2017
  • Guest Speaker, “Brexit and Arbitration”, Vienna Arbitration Days 2017, 24/02/2017
  • Panellist, “What Next in Investment Arbitration”, ICC YAF Conference, Paris, 20/02/2017
  • Guest Speaker, “Decisions on costs in investment treaty arbitrations: prevailing practice and comparison with commercial arbitration”, Vilnius Arbitration Day 2016, Vilnius, 7/10/2016
  • Panellist, “Managing the practical aspects of increased transparency and corruption allegations in Investment Treaty Arbitration”, 5th Investment Treaty Conference, Prague, 22/10/2015

Leadership Positions And Professional Affiliations

  • Member, Board of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre
  • Member, ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR
  • Member, The Law Society
  • Member, The Law Society of Ireland
  • Member, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London


Next Generation Partners.
Legal 500, 2022
One of the top ten women in business.
Forbes Slovakia 2022, Partners in consulting and law firms category



Admitted as solicitor, Ireland, 2019

EU registered lawyer, 2016

Admitted as solicitor-advocate, England and Wales, 2011

Admitted as solicitor, England and Wales, 2006


Diploma in International Arbitration, Distinction, Queen Mary College, University of London, 2011

LPC, Distinction, BPP Law School, London, 2003

Post Graduate Diploma in Law, Commendation, The College of Law, London, 2002

Master, Law, University of Vienna, 2000

General Course, Law, London School of Economics and Political Science, 1999


Czech, English, German, Slovak
A&O Shearman was formed on May 1, 2024 by the combination of Shearman & Sterling LLP and Allen & Overy LLP and their respective affiliates (the legacy firms). Any matters referred to above may include matters undertaken by one or more of the legacy firms rather than A&O Shearman.