
A&O maintains top rankings in global capital markets league tables

Published Date
Feb 6, 2024
A&O has been recognized as the top overall adviser to issuers and managers in the global debt and equity capital markets in 2023, with number one rankings awarded to us by Bloomberg and LSEG (formerly Refintiv) across all major product lines and geographies, including:
  • No. 1 - Global Debt, Equity and Equity-Related ex FCA – Issuer and Manager (LSEG)
  • No. 1 - Global Straight Debt including ABS and MBS - Issuer and Manager (LSEG)
  • No. 1 - Global Straight Debt excluding ABS and MBS - Issuer and Manager (LSEG)
  • No. 1 - All International Bonds - Issuer and Manager (LSEG)
  • No. 1 - European Bonds – Issuer and Manager (Bloomberg)
  • No. 1 - EMEA Corporate Investment Grade Bonds (inc EM)- Manager (Bloomberg) 
  • No. 1 - EMEA Corporate High Yield Bonds (inc EM) - Manager (Bloomberg)
  • No. 1 - GCC Sukuk - Issuer and Manager (Bloomberg)
  • No. 1 - High Yield Bonds Western Europe - Manager (Debtwire)
  • No. 1 -EMTN programme establishments - Issuer (Dealogic)
  • No. 1 and No. 2 - Euro Investment Grade Corporate Bonds - Manager (1) and Issuer (2) (Bloomberg)
  • No. 1 and No. 2 - Sterling Investment Grade Corporate Bonds - Manager (1) and Issuer (2) (Bloomberg)
  • No. 2 - Asia ex-Japan Issuer G3 Currency Bonds - Issuer and Manager (Bloomberg)
  • No. 2 - High Yield Bonds Western Europe (ex-Nordic) - Issuer (Debtwire)
  • No. 2 - Singapore Dollar Bonds - Issuer (Bloomberg)
  • No. 3 - Global CLOs – Arranger (Creditflux)
  • No. 3 - U.S. CLOs – Arranger (Creditflux)
  • No. 3 - European CLOs – Arranger (Creditflux)
  • No. 3 - EMTN programme establishments - Manager (Dealogic)

*All rankings are based on deal count.

David Lucking, Head of our Global International Capital Markets group, commented, "This has been a remarkable year for our capital markets practice, as we have helped our clients navigate the challenges and opportunities of the market recovery. We are particularly pleased to maintain our top position in the sustainability rankings, demonstrating our commitment to supporting our clients' environmental and social goals."

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This content was originally published by Allen & Overy before the A&O Shearman merger