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A&O Shearman advises Younited on first public securitisation of a fintech company fully placed on the market

A&O Shearman advises Younited on first public securitisation of a fintech company fully placed on the market
A&O Shearman has advised Younited, Italian branch, as originator, in a public securitisation of consumer loan receivables, with a total value of approximately 250 million euros. Citi acted as arranger and lead manager in the transaction

Younited is a European fintech company that is part of the #Next40 – a French government initiative aimed at supporting the country’s most promising scale-ups – and operates in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Germany with the ambition to transform the consumer loan industry in Europe.

This transaction represents the first public securitisation of a fintech company entirely placed on the market for the purpose of credit risk transfer and accounting derecognition. Class A to E notes have been rated by Fitch and S&P. The rated notes, along with the class F and class X notes, have been listed on Euronext Dublin. The class R notes have been admitted to trading on the Vienna MTF segment.

A&O Shearman assisted Younited with a team comprising partner Pietro Bellone and associate Fabio Gregoris, supported by counsel Elia Ferdinando Clarizia for tax aspects. Partner Fabrice Faure-Dauphin and associate Romain Boulogne handled the French law aspects.

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